Hidden Creatures Murals | David Braley Medical Centre

The Hidden Creatures murals for the McMaster Family Practice Clinic at the David Braley Centre. Printed on vinyl, we also collaborated with illustrator Kyle Reed to include fun woodland animals for the children to discover in out magical Canadian-esque landscapes. Love this collaboration! 

Great Lakes Mural | HOPA Ports

So much fun to create this stylized map of the Great Lakes for the Hamilton HOPA Ports offices. Locks, ports, boats and some sassy local wildlife. Digital illustration printed on vinyl.

The Garden Mural | David Braley Medical Centre & AGH

"The Garden" a hand painted mural for the McMaster Family Practice Clinic at the David Braley Centre. We so loved working on this and having patients pop by and see it progressing. Even had some kids help out! Thanks AGH Art Sales for setting this up!